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Espremedor lento de mastigação Hurom H101 Easy Clean prata fosco




Espremedor lento de mastigação Hurom H101 Easy Clean prata fosco

De: R$ 10.195,91Por: R$ 8.564,56ou X de

Economia de R$ 1.631,35

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Opções de Parcelamento:
  • à vista R$ 8.564,56
  • 2X de R$ 4.282,28 sem juros
  • 3X de R$ 2.854,85 sem juros
  • 4X de R$ 2.141,14 sem juros
  • 5X de R$ 1.712,91 sem juros
  • 6X de R$ 1.427,42 sem juros
  • 7X de R$ 1.223,50 sem juros
  • 8X de R$ 1.070,57 sem juros
  • 9X de R$ 951,61 sem juros
  • 10X de R$ 856,45 sem juros
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Produto importado dos Estados Unidos o prazo de entrega e de ate 25 dias uteis As importacoes sao oficiais atraves do Regime de Tributacao Simplificada da Receita Federal O preco inclui imposto de Importacao ICMS Frete Nacional Frete Internacional Servicos Alfandegarios e a intermediacao de cambio para pagamento no exterior O preco ja inclui todos os custos nao sera cobrado nenhum valor extra para o recebimento do produto ATENCAO Todos os produtos eletricos sao 110V e necessitam de adaptador para a tomada no formato brasileiro ScrubFree Cleaning Say good bye to small holes on the strainer that you had to scrub to remove pulp With the new strainers with large elongated grooves simply rinse the parts in waterTilted Chamber e Juice Outlet The 3degree tilt inside the chamber and juice outlet will let you more easily pour out the juice and leave less mess inside the juicerPulp Outlet Pulp outlet will open 180 degrees so that you can easily flush out any remaining pulp inside the chamberSlow Squeeze Technology The H101 Easy Clean Slow Juicer rotates at a speed of just 43 revolutions per minute to mimic the motion of a hand squeezing juice This patented Slow Squeeze Technology ensures your juice stays fresh and in its most natural stateTaste e Pulp Control We ve spent decades perfecting our juicers for taste Juice created with a Hurom slow juicer is fresh unprocessed and pure The H101 Easy Clean Slow Juicer also comes with a control lever and a fine and coarse strainer that allow you to control the amount of pulp to suit your taste Versatility What do you love in your juice Do you like sweet fruits like apples and oranges Or dark leafy greens like kale and spinach How about cashews or almonds for a nutty taste With a Hurom juicer you can confidently pick and choose from a wide range of ingredients Hurom H101 Easy Clean Slow Juicer About Us Founded in 1974 Hurom is a South Korean kitchen appliance brand that offers a variety of juicers that are ideal for making juices and smoothies from veggies fruits leafy greens and nuts Hurom s patented Slow Squeezing Technology squeezes out juice instead of shredding fruits and vegetables like other juicers and blenders thereby minimizing damage to ingredients and keeping natural taste and nutrition intact Hurom has become the world s largest seller of slow and coldpressed juicers When it comes to creating new and improved product designs our client s feedback sits at the core of our brand s unique range of juicers At the top of the list easier cleaning was our customer s most wanted feature With this in mind we completely changed Hurom s juicing mechanism and decided to replace the previous hole strainers with grooved strainers Now with the machine s new and improved design you can enjoy all the benefits of juicing without the messy cleanup Versatility to produce multiple beverages fruit juice vegetable juice smoothies nut milk and ice cream Quiet motor rotates at 43 RPMs BPAFree Made in South Korea Hurom uses an


MaterialAço inoxidável
Potência150 W
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            Largura (cm)

              Profundidade (cm)

                Altura (cm)




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                            Certificação Inmetro